“a way to define and inspire Health & Happiness:

have food be your medicine, your body be your temple”

A History of ALDERWOOD FARM - from Founder, Jules de groot.

My strongest belief is that through revering our bodies in maintaining optimum health via pure foods and daily exercise, we can live in a state of happy equilibrium. I don’t think we can achieve one without the other. Having the privilege to breathe clean, fresh air, drink sweet water from one’s artesian well, to walk daily amongst farm animals and wild creatures thus became the inspiration to call this beautiful isle my home. 

I spent my high school years living in a beautiful Arthur Erickson house that looked out over the ocean at the sun setting over Bowen Island. Although very near, we would only travel to Bowen visiting my uncle for Thanksgiving. It was a very rural place at that time with only a couple of shops, a gas station and a diner, not much else.

I honestly never imagined that Bowen would  grow as quickly as it has and although I love and appreciate the extra amenities and delicious food options this island offers, I resist the day that Bowen gets to the point of needing traffic lights. The rural flavor of this place and ensuring that it continues is one of my ongoing passions….  

Jules De Groot - Founder at Alderwood Farm

…As a child I was surrounded by nature living on a 5 acre ranch with horses and dogs. We would often take in cats and dogs left by people from the nearby city.  I cannot imagine ever being able to give up my most beloved animals and vowed to live somewhere where they were always welcome. And thus over the years the adventures at Alderwood Farm have included many characters of great humor and humility: Cosmo the Cow, Bert the Sheep, Pacho the Donkey, Peggy the Pig, Handsome the Rooster to name but a few. 

Living with nature and in the company of animals is one the happiest and healthiest states one can exist in. My vision is to encourage and inspire others to seek comfort and healing in the same company, right here at Alderwood. 

I am not comfortable with eating food that requires the ultimate sacrifice of an animal and therefore my animals are Petables rather than Edibles. We raise chickens & emus only for their eggs, whilst concentrating on Medicinal & Nourishing Herbs, Fruits and Vegetables to create products for our Country Store  

I am presently immersed in the study of Herbology as well as working towards a certification in Permaculture. Both of these modalities are shaping the ever evolving vision of Alderwood Farm.